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A while ago, I wrote a zine called LAST NIGHT (BEING) A DJ SAVED MY LIFE. It dives into how DJing has, for better and worse, affected my mental health. Obviously, it’s hard out there right now for DJs and there’s a conversation about what we should (or shouldn’t be doing). One such popular opinion is that post-quarantine, we should all walk away being better DJs. I don’t dispute this idea to strive to be better, but I also think it doesn’t take into account that some of us need to mourn and not feel guilty that we’re dealing with depression. As much as I would love to just start working on something cool and new, I also have to allow myself to breathe and be creative when my mind allows me to, otherwise, I’d just be coming up with things that I don’t care about, which I think would drive depression further.

Anyway, I’m making my zine available as a free download on this site. Feel free to check it out if you’re so inclined.